Risk in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgeries 
What is Plastic Surgery? 
Plastic Surgery is surgical specialty that deals with the correctiono any congenitalacquired, tumor or simply involutive process that requires repair or replacement that affects shape or function. 
Cosmetic surgery is a speciality of plastic surgery aimed at improving the appearance of certain parts of the body through surgical procedures. 

It arose in the First World War because of the disfigured faces of the slodiers the promoter of this was the Dermatomo Padget in 1939 in collaboration with the Mechanical Engineer Hood. 

Force in Europe and the United States where the first specialized centers for the reconstruction of wounded were created. In these centers, the first plastic surgeons such as Morestin, Gillies, Suzanne Noel, creators of instruments and reconstruction techniques, emerged 
Benefits of Plastic Surgery 
Beneficios físicos 
Beneficios psicológicos 
Plastic surgery interventions are beneficial to your health 
Plastic Surgery Complications: 
Aesthetic surgery is an unnecessary risk as several elements that interfere with the patient's health can occurOne of the main factors is complications  that can occur during the intervention that can even lead to the possibility of death. 
Risk involve in Plastic Surgery: 
    Lack of professionalism and advertising abuse: it is common to see in current journalsadvertisements, in which it is usually promoted by doctors not certified in the specialtytreatments of wonderful resultswithout any evidence which leads many patients to consult, and submit towith unwanted results or often death. 
False expectations: it is common to offer treatments that appear as simple, fastexcellent results and without complications, "express surgery", which is promotedespecially in foreign patientswho must necessarily return to their countries a few days, and whose subsequent evolutionwith its complications, and results must be assumed by another doctor. 
Incitement to cosmetic surgery: Promoting competitionswith raffles of surgeries or proceduresby people outside the medicine, that all they seek is to profitthrough the expectations of the patients. 

PLASTIC SURGERY:His techniques are based on transplantation and tissue mobilization by injectors and flaps or even implants of inert material. Plastic surgery has inherent risks like all surgery. 
1. Complications with anesthesia 
2. Blood clots or bruises 
3. Infection 
4. Accumulation of fluid under the skin 
5. Bleeding 
6. Numbness 
7. Asymmetry8 
. Organ damage 

I think that plastic surgery is a great benefit for people who have a congenital, involuntary process or a tumor but at the same time they are risky surgeries, because there may be a medical malpractice or that our body does not suffer the intervention, which we it can cause death. 
Aesthetic surgery helps us improve our physical aspects and feel more confident about ourselves, but it also has its risk because people tend to abuse these aesthetic practices, even deforming part of their body and even dying. 
